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Pressure: 1029 mb
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While it was the coldest we’ve been in quite a while, today did not break a record! We were at -10 on a cold January 22nd in 1970, a record that’s safe at least for this year. Warmer weather is on the way in the Tri-Cities Weather Blog forecast!
Tonight, it’ll still be quite cold. Partly cloudy skies are likely, with lows around 10 degrees in the Tri-Cities. Another night in the single digits is likely in spots.
As for tomorrow, a sunny Thursday is pretty likely, as will be warmer temperatures. We should get to at least 35 degrees, getting us above freezing for at least a little while, for the first time in what feels like ages. Tomorrow night will see some clouds drift in ahead of a cold front, and a few flurries are possible overnight. Lows drop to 17.
In fact, Friday is likely to start out with clouds and flurries in the early part of the day, with things getting better as the day goes on. It should be partly cloudy by afternoon, and highs rising to around 34.
For the weekend, things look warmer than we’ve seen through the week, and mainly precipitation-free. It’ll be sunny on Saturday with temperatures around the 40 degree mark by the end of the day. For Sunday, expect a few more clouds, but nothing falling from them just yet, as our high gets up to 43.
The next good chance of rain or snow will be Sunday night and into Monday as the next system moves in. Thanks for checking here for the forecast today!